Q&A With Shaun Flewker-Barker 2 x Winner of Survivor Races


1. How old were you when you first started running and who got you into it?

I did a couple of Great North Runs when I was a teenager, but didn’t take up running ‘seriously’ until 2016 at the age of 30. My wife encouraged me to start running again – much to her amusement when she overtook me on the last lap of my first ever Parkrun.

2. What’s your favourite race that you’ve done?

It was always the Hardmoors 55. I’ve done it 5 times and experienced every weather condition known to man. However this changed when I completed the Hardmoors 110 last year – I can’t wait to do it again. An amazing weekend, meeting great like-minded people along the journey.

3. What’s your ‘go to’ piece of kit for every race?

My Flipbelt – best running accessory I have – easy access/storage for items such as car key, phone, gels etc

4. Being an ultra runner do you still do park runs?

When the kids allow it. It often clashes with their swimming/football, but I always try when I can

5. What’s your favourite distance?

On the road Half Marathon. On the trail 55/60 miles – the ones you finish the same day

6. Have you got a ‘dream’ race that you’d love to do?

This is going to sound really boring and controversial, but I want to do the London Marathon just once to say I’ve done it. Been trying for 6 years to get a place.

7. At what stage did you think you were going to win the TWO last laps that you won?

At no point did I think I was going to win the first one, Paul was running much stronger on the hills, but we both made navigational errors, (think we were a bit tired) and I managed to finish first. I was just happy to get to the end and was using it as 110 training. The second last lap played into my hands with it being a flat last lap – I still wasn’t sure about winning it until I turned back and realised I had a decent time cushion to second place

8. What music do you listen to when running?

It varies, but a lot of Blink 182, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Paramore – you get the gist

9. Do you prefer running with a group or alone?

Alone. Nothing better than putting my headphones in and switching off.

10. When you enter a race do you specifically train for that race or do you have a general training plan?

I try to have a main target race that I specifically train for. Last year it was a lot of trail and hills for the Mega Slam. This year I’ve been hammering the road, training for Manchester Marathon and I have Berlin Marathon at the end of September. Back on the trails after that hopefully.

11. Which is your favourite Survivor race and why?

Well I’ve only done The Last Lap twice now, so I will have to say that one. I love the relaxed nature of the day and that nobody really takes it serious (well they say they don’t). Also the fact I actually remember to fuel within every hour, something I tend to forget on other runs.

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