Remember When..........

Remember When..........

Craig here on the eve of the first outing of Subtract, a race against yourself and more importantly, time!!!

This blog post is about my hopes and expectations ( black holes and revelations ) of what we are trying to do with these races. What do we all want from these races? to meet new friends? to challenge yourself? testing the very limits of our being? I don't think that's it , for me the getting together of like minded people on a rainy ( and it is raining btw) day , all having different goals but all in all going away with a memory......

Remember when Kev took his top off and swirled it round his head like a lasso

Remember when James C took a shortcut on his last lap and rose up over the hill like a phoenix from the flames

Remember when you all did a fancy dress lap ( crazy ba*tards)

Remember when Stephen changed his T-shirt every lap , Deirdre was my fave.

Remember when Phil was 50/50 to win but turned back after both had set off in separate directions.

Remember when Sam and Adrian camped at highcliff gate for 16 hours and Jo and Kate camped at Rosebery gate for 17 hours!!!!

Remember when we had drone footage

Remember when the village local got an eye full when Gemma changed her top , best day ever for "Paul"

Remember when Martyn was strolling about half naked posing for pictures

Remember when Shaun was dead on his feet in the final lap against Paul and he came back first , the manhunt that followed was solved by a police detective!!!! 

Remember when i had all the marshals dress up as no faces to scare the last lappers but they weren't fussed in the slightest, got a good picture though did our Kate

Remember when the bus driver kept stopping to ask what lap we were on

Remember when John ran 30 minute laps and then made himself sick

Remember when the 5 remaining competitors played mind numbing games to get a 30 second head start for the next lap

They're all my best bits of our race series , leave yours in the comment section or make your own tomorrow 29/4/24



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1 comment

mine was when Kirsten turned up with pizza, my worst was when you ordered pizza then had it delivered to home instead of the hall!!! :-)


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