Q&A With Matthew Swan - Previous Winner of Survivor Trail Challenge

ultra runner runnung in snow in uk

 Photograph credit to SportSunday Event Photography

Where is your favourite place to run?

Gotta be the Cleveland Way, between Clay Bank and Scugdale, the decent into Scugdale is so fun if you dare let go!

Is there anywhere that you would love to run?

I think one of the American classic ultras, Hardrock, Western States or Leadville. The scenery in all is awesome.

What is your preference, out and back, point to point or loop runs?

Point to point is definitely my preference, even on training runs I hate covering the same ground twice. I feel if its point to point there's only one way to stop and that's getting to the end.

Do you prefer to run in the heat of summer or the cold of winter?

I'd have to go with cold. It's easy to layer up. I run quite hot anyway and there's only so many layers you can strip off before the police get involved!

Do you prefer to follow a training plan or wake up and decide how far and how fast you want to run?

I get better results on training plans, as I normally push distance too much on feel. But winging it is definitely my favourite way to run. I don't like being too serious.

What are your favourite running shoes?

Gotta love my New Balance Hierro. That's what took me to victory in Survivor.

Would you rather start your run on an uphill and end on a downhill or start with the downhill and end on an up?

End with the downhills, they can hurt like hell but they're much more fun.

Apart from Survivor... What has been your favourite race?

I'd have to say the Hardmoors 55. It's my favourite half of the Cleveland Way, the first time I ran it watching the headtorches going up and down Roseberry was immense and The Beast from the East was something else!

If you could recommend any running related item what would it be?

Squirrel's Nut Butter! It keeps everything running smoothly!

squirrels nut butter

What's your go to pre-race or race snack?

Normally something quite boring, something light on the stomach. Porridge and bananas with honey.

When / if you can't run, what other exercise or training do you do?

I like to get out to a trail centre on my mountain bike

Which would you choose if you had to give up either music or GPS/strava?

I'd give up music easy. I'm happy enough with the sound of nature.

If you could re-live any race that you have done in the past, which would it be?

There are two racing regrets for me. One is the White Rose 100. I stopped at 60 miles (two loops in) because I was cold and miserable, but with hindsight, I could have made it to the end if my head was in the right place.

The other is the Lakeland 100. It was off the back of completing my only 100 miler so I was fit enough, just never rested up enough in the days before.

Best advice to give a new runner?

Don't let big distances put you off, you're capable of much more than you realise. If I can do it, anyone can.

Who is your running hero?

Craig Dav.... oh wait, actually...... If I had to choose one person it would have to be Anton Krupicka. I'd only done road running before and was looking towards improving my form. Minimal running shoes were all the rage and when researching that I came across a New Balance promo with him in. In it he says 'That's why you run 100 miles, you know, because anyone can run 50 miles or 100km ' and i thought 'he's right!' I was signed up for my first 100 soon after.

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 Sincere thanks to Matt for taking part in our very first Q&A, we are so very grateful.